Department of ICT
Pedagogical Faculty
University of Ostrava
Fráni Šrámka 3
709 00 Ostrava - Mariánské Hory
Czech Republic
ISSN 1805-3726
The International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies can accept and publish only unpublished papers presenting quantitative, qualitative or experience-based full research papers, or short communications. Content of the submitted paper must correspond to one of the topics of interest.
Authors should prepare their papers following the Instruction for Authors.
The papers must be uploaded using the submission system only (registration is required). The submission procedure starts with uploading the abstract of the paper. Abstract of the submitted paper must be sent to the editors no later than 12 weeks before the release of the new issue. After confirmation of acceptance, authors can upload their full papers using the submission system. For review purposes, the text of the manuscript can be submitted in .doc, or .rtf formats.