Editorial Stefan Borrmann, Caroline Meffan
Page 1 full text
Social work and social recognition: social workers of foreign origin Emmanuel Jovelin
Pages 2-15 abstract
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Social Inclusion in Connection with Civil Society Andrej Kállay, Miriam Slaná, Ondrej Botek, Martin Vereš, Lukáš Pavelek
Pages 16-26 abstract
| full text
Development of Social Work in the Russian "Consumer Society" Irina A. Grigoryeva
Pages 27-36 abstract
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How to carry out socio-spatial analyses - Research design and methods Christian Spatscheck
Pages 37-41 abstract
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Book reviews
Hämäläinen, J., Littlechild, B., Chytil, O., Šramatá, M., Jovelin, E. (eds.) (2012): Evolution of Child Protection and Child Welfare Policies in Selected European Countries. Ostrava: ERIS with Albert Publisher. 300, – CZK
Pages 42-44 full text
Littlechild, B. & Roger, S. eds., 2012: A Handbook for Inter-Professional Practice in the Human Services: Learning to Work Together. Pearson Education Limited.
Pages 45-47 full text
Noordegraaf, M & G. Vierwind (eds) 2013: Hulpverlening aan jeugd en gezin. Systeemgericht werken met adolescenten. (Doing social work in the field of youth and family. A systems-approach of
adolescents. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho. - 1e druk, 247 pp. ISBN: 9789046903476, Price: €26,50
Pages 48-51 full text
News from Research
Research report from Faculty of Social Studies , University of Ostrava Iva Tichá, Kamila Vondroušová
Page 52 full text
Call for Papers
Call for Papers on ERIS Webjournal 1/2014 full text