Editorial: ERIS web Journal 2/2011

Social Work in different countries around the world- examples from Australia, USA and India

The European Research Institute for Social Work (ERIS) Web Journal is produced by a network of Universities in Europe (see Eris website) in order to further knowledge of social work theory, policy and practice for students, academics, and staff and managers and policy makers across Europe. The Journal showcases important areas of theory development, and policy and practice developments which are of interest across our European borders.

The three articles presented in this issue are one of the results of the European conference of ERIS that took part in Eichstaett October 12-14th 2011. The aim of this conference was to lead a critical debate about the role and influence of Europe on the development of the different national welfare regimes and especially social work systems. In order not to lead only an European debate (the texts of the European authors’ we’ll present at a later time), experts from Australia, the United States of America and India were invited to give short overviews on the situation of social welfare and social work in their respective countries.

Mel Gray is Professor of Social Work at the University of Newcastle and gives an impressive overview on the development of social services, social professions and social work in Australia. Angelina Barretta-Herman was until recently Professor of Social Work Theories at the University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota. She gives a historically well-grounded and critical commentary on the specific situation of social work and states and points out important strategies for future social work in the USA. Vidya Rao is Professor of Social Policy at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, and she presents in her article the situation of the history and current trends in social policy and social work in India.

Updated: 02. 01. 2012

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