Journal Information

Let us inform you that the online magazine ERIS Web Journal (ISSN 1804-0454) ceased publication by 31 Aug 2015. It is currently published as the English edition of Social Work - Czech And Slovak Social Work (ISSN 1213-6204 print, ISSN 1805-885X online), with the subtitle ERIS Journal Summer 201x - Winter 201x.

The ERIS web journal is a peer reviewed scientific journal published from contributions of the field of social work research across Europe. Its focus is on theory and practice of social work in Europe and its aim is according to the philosophy of the European Research Institute for Social Work as an multidisciplinary institute to advance theory building and research as well as knowledge transfer within the sector of social intervention in Europe.

The journal appears twice a year in electronic from, each issue number will be dedicated to a specific theme; but other excellent contributions are as well always welcome. The journal accepts original research studies, theoretical studies, reviews, case reports and book reviews in English language. Each manuscript is peer-reviewed by two reviewers independent on each other; the process is double-blind.


  • ISSN: 1804-0454
  • Periodicity: 2x per year
  • Editor: European Research Institute for Social Work (ERIS), University of Ostrava

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Updated: 24. 08. 2017

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